Mountain Bike Tour

Mountain Bike Tour

Cycling and mountain biking is an excellent way of getting up and close to the nature, culture and the jovial people of Sri Lanka. This ‘jewel in the Indian ocean’ is like a kaleidoscope mottled with hidden wonders all over its diverse landscape. Sri Lanka is all about cycling leisurely on the cart tracks flanked by paddy fields and trampling the lush green ravines. Sri Lanka is all about exploring the ancient world heritage sites and lying lazily on the golden beaches, while enjoying the warm tropical sun. In short, Sri Lanka has all the ‘ingredients’ needed for you to plan an adventurous cycling and mountain biking tour at the earliest!

The Sri Lankan terrain has a variety of cycling and biking tracks suitable for beginners as well as experts. If you are not the one who likes to ‘sweat it out’ while on a vacation, then you can choose to embark on a cycling tour of the coastal areas and mingle with the friendly fisher folk, relish their mouthwatering delicacies and indulge into a lot of mind-blowing underwater activities and water sports, as you proceed. The Central parts of Sri Lanka are meant for mountain biking freaks, whose veins are ever thirsty for an adrenaline rush!

Dominating the rugged terrain and endearing the twists and turns of the central highlands is a challenging experience for mountain biking as well as cycling enthusiasts. The slopes of the central highlands are studded with hundreds of tea plantations and surroundings that are full of a mesmerizing aroma of tea leaves. These mountains are a birdwatchers paradise, bustling with thousands of species of birds, mammals, butterflies and reptiles that you would have ever seen! Sri Lanka has a rich historical background and was ruled by almost 181 rulers, before the British colonized it. There are hundreds of ruins in the ‘cultural triangle of Sri Lanka’. So, if you are someone who loves history and archeology, then the best way to discover these ancient wonders is on a cycle or a motor bike!

We make sure that, your biking tour with us is an experience in itself and not just another peddling tour. In ensuring this we offer world class biking trails covering, mountains, valleys, tropical rain forests, reservoirs, ancient cities, beaches and pristine remote villages. 

Something you want to know about us !!



Quranteed price with inhouse services.


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Each & every traveller will be believes as unique interest of us.